I will professionally voice your copy up to 100 words

YVOG - YourVoiceOverGirl - Hi! I'm Melissa, Your Voice Over Girl - with over 17 years experience as a voice over as well as Audio Producer. I will voice up to 100 words of your copy for only $5. The script should include any instruction on how you want the copy to sound, be delivered and format. Turn around time is 24 hours or less in most cases. Can give you friendly delivery to mature delivery. If you need character voices, can do that too. Accents include British, Irish, Spanish, French and more - sultry delivery, sweet delivery, over acting can be done as well as comical to serious and professional. Contact me before you order to discuss specifics - Professional inquiries welcome. If you need more than 100 words, please purchase additional gigs.I do not sync to video for this low Fiverr only rate. However, it can be done if you purchase a gig extra. Thank you and I hope to see your copy soon!

derekringley:I have used this service provider more than once and each time I am amazed at the quality of the voice over and delivery. Highly recommended!
yourvogirl:Thank you for your patience and the work!
toyinjtutu:her voice is beautiful and she delivers on time \nexcellent!!!
ldkeeler1:Melissa is always fast and professional, that's why we keep coming back to her.
yourvogirl:Outstanding Experience!

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