Wednesday, January 31, 2018

I will record and master your voicemail or phone prompts

I will record and master your voicemail or phone prompts


js-gig-main-desc has-border">You Never get a second chance to make a first impression - Which is why your phone system greeting is so crucial to the success of your business.

That's why I'm so glad you found me on Fiverr!  I am a professional voice actor who has done the phone greetings for hundreds of successful companies around the nation like Ideal Image, NexGen Clinics,  Centennial Homes and Yale College Of Psychology.

Did you know that most amateur and even pro voice services only provide you with raw audio? When recording for a phone system, audio should be EQ filtered and optimized to sound professional and clear. I am a pro voice talent with years of experience mastering audio. I can make your phone recording sound like you paid HUNDREDS.

Your single gig purchase gets you 1 file with up to 60 seconds of recorded and mastered prompts.  Have as many prompts as you would like within your file!

 The finished audio file will have all the high and low end frequencies limited, so that it sounds professional on your phone system. The result: Amazing, clear sounding audio that will make your company sound great!

See my Gig extras for common add-ons to make your phone system recordings really SIZZLE.


seanmoniri:Great communication!

djkevinquinn:Smooth transaction and great customer!

seanmoniri:Fast delivery and great service.

djkevinquinn:Thanks for your business!

nathancohen700:Quick and easy!

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