I will record a professional voiceover

Hi there, I'm a musician and voiceover actor. I'd love to help you tell your story, sell your product, or whatever else you may need a voiceover for. I can do the more dramatic intense stuff or the more tender storybook style - take a listen to my demo. I'm also very easy to work and communicate with.I'll deliver a high quality WAV file, ready to go, sounding big and professional. I have a great recording rig and studio space.
I can also provide custom scoring if that would be helpful. All the music in my demo is original.
Thanks for listening!

animazzio:Excellent\nGreat sound quality\nI will order more
ilikegear:A pleasure! Thanks again!
perthecther:He has a voice of a god
ilikegear:This guy
gburtini:Jon is incredible! I gave him almost no guidance, other than a script. He produced a perfectly styled, high quality voiceover literally just minutes after ordering and then followed up with a perfect revision just minutes after receiving feedback. His response time is excellent. His product is excellent. \n\nI will unquestionably work with him again!

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