I will record an awesome voicemail greeting

Your script and directionOne awesome voicemail greeting
$5 for 100 words.
$5 for every 75 words thereafter.
48 hours or less (usually much less).
Edited for Breath Reduction.
All on one professionally recorded, industry standard MP3.
Proofread your work... or have someone on Fiverr do it!
Word, Pages or PDF only... no Powerpoint or Text, please.
Do NOT ask for a deal... it's Fiverr, so it's already a deal!
Do NOT promise future purchases... one gig at a time.
Be kind, polite, respectful... there's really no other way to be.

briankperkins:I have done close to 10 gigs with Scott. He does a great job!
scottantonucci:Awww, thanks for continuing to come back! I really appreciate it! :-)
myyetiapparel:All three of my businesses I have used Scott's service for voicemail and extensions. Same quality (if not better) than other providers, and at 1/10th of the cost, its a win win.
scottantonucci:Aw, yay! I love win-wins! Thanks so much for that stellar review! :-)
youspaze:Incredible guy - would highly recommend for any sort of voice over work - excellent results!

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