I will provide the perfect voiceover or voicemail for your project

I am a professionally trained vocal artist and can record a quality voiceover or voicemail. I also offer editing and writing of original content. My voice has been described as cool, smooth, professional, friendly and inviting American English accent with rich tones.
As a bonus, I will proofread your script and offer suggestions at no additional charge.
My background includes:
- Corporate voiceover for sales presentations and conventions
- Commercial voiceover actor for television and radio
- Voicemail and phone system recordings
- Commercial jingle-writing, arranging and singing.
- Published author
- Professional editor
If your requirements are different from the gigs shown, let's talk. Special requests are always welcomed.
NEW CLIENT PROMO: First-time clients may add an additional 25 words to any voiceover FREE! Mention this deal!

hometrendsmag:I couldn't say enough great things about Michelle! She is very fast to respond. Very professional. Delivers quality work. She revised the script a little and it sounded so much better! I highly recommend!!!
michellemwords:You are the best client I could ever hope for. Thank you so much for your kind words!
hometrendsmag:I could not say enough good things about Michelle. She re-worded the wording a little and made it sound so much better! Very quick to reply. Very professional. Love. Love. Love.
michellemwords:Thank you! I love working with you!!! Always a pleasure...
gabriele_concep:Its perfectly done, thank you Michelle.

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