I will record the merriest santa claus voice over

Christmas is a special time of year. It's a magical time, filled with wonder. And of course, a BIG part of Christmas is that jolly old elf, Santa Claus! Santa may be a busy guy, but he's NEVER too busy for you! This Christmas let Santa provide you with a quality voiceover. For your business. Podcast. Voicemail greeting. A personal message for your little ones. Just provide a script and Santa will voice it! For a little extra, you can add festive music in the background. He can even look at your script and "check it twice" to make sure it's perfect!Music available for selection: (choose ONE)
- Jingle Bells (upbeat, festive)
- Deck the Halls (upbeat, festive)
- Good King Wenceslas (upbeat, festive)
- The Wassail (upbeat, festive)
- Child's Dream (medium tempo, "sense of wonder" mood)
- The Holly and the Ivy (slower, thoughtful)
Preview all music selections here:
Ho-Ho-HOPE to work with you soon! Merry Christmas

magicden:Great no hassle service and got it right first time.
bobshaw23:Great! Glad you loved your voice over. Hope to work with you again!
lmoseley09:Santa voice over
bobshaw23:Thanks so much!
nickbegley:Excellent communication and a very quick delivery.

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