I am a professional voice over actor with hundreds of voiceover projects delivered on time, and I would love to record whatever you need me to.80 words, for $5! I will deliver any voiceover within 24 hours of your order, normaly much faster. Perfect studio sound. Just take a look at my profile: 100% OF 5 STAR RATINGS, more than 600 satisfied customers, reply time in less than one hour. This is what I do for living, monday through sunday, 10AM to 1AM. I offer my services PRO BONO for any urgent emergency or natural disaster situations. Message me for details.
- Extremely fast. Most customers receive their work completed in less than two hours.
- Perfect studio quality, 320Kbps for free.
- Not satisfied for any reason? Your money back, guaranteed.
- Male voice, neutral Spanish from Spain.
Questions? Drop me a line, I'll get back to you instantly!

Went above and beyond the request. I just needed a voice over in spanish to sync with a video recording. He took it upon himself to embed the audio over the existing video. Thank you!
:Excelente! Sin duda alguna profesional en lo que hace!
:Thanks again for all the great work you do!
:Sounded perfect! Thanks again!