I will record a 150 word professional voiceover
Hi, my name is Gina and I'm a former professional radio DJ with nearly a decade of experience both on air and writing/producing commercials. Now, I'm offering my voice for companies around the world here on Fiverr! I use the Samson C01U Pro microphone to record and Adobe Audition to edit/produce.
Voiceovers are perfect for web videos, IVR greetings and voicemails, radio, television, tutorials, eBook narrations, apps, games, and more!
One $5 gig will get you a 150 word voiceover. If you're looking for a longer recording, simply place additional gig orders! For orders over 1000 words, please message me first so that I can create a custom order for you.
New to ordering from me? Feel free to reach out first with any questions that you might have or to discuss your order in advance.
Note: No offensive or sexual material. For material containing sensitive subject matters, please message me first. Also, for any orders over 1000 words, please message me first as well.
Revision Policy: I do not offer free retakes unless it's my mistake.I'm also a writer/editor so if you are in need of those services, please message me. Thank you for visiting my gig and I hope we'll be working together soon!
mlumpkin:Great job. Always reliable.
ginabean1118:Always great working with you, thank you so much!
gregsdriving:Thanks very much; sounds superb as always!
ginabean1118:Always great working with you!
rickchambers:Cancelled order. Seller failed to deliver on time!